Hemen baştan söylemeliyim ki; bu uygulamaya, İngilizce bilgi düzeyi çok iyi olan kimseler seslendirmeci olarak katılamazlar...
Ya da en azından rol yapabilme yetenekleri olmalı!.
Çünkü bu uygulamanın eğlenceli ve güzel tarafı; seslendirmecinin, cümleleri tam doğru bir biçimde tonlamamış olması...
Bu uygulamada, cümleleri sesli okuyan kişi, yanlış tonlamalar sebebiyle kendini kötü hissetmemeli; bilakis, iyi hissetmelidir.
kısmı insana gerçekten cesaret veriyor ama zaten ben bu kısmı bir prova dahi yapmadan kayıt yaptıktan ve kaydı siteye yüklemeye karar verdikten sonra farkettim 
işte yeni bir "what i want to say"
seslendiren arkadaşıma huzurlarınızda teşekkürü borç bilirim ama borcumu sonra öderim 
Wrong Words: . |
Turkish Coffee <br> <br> When the first coffee house in Istanbul was opened in the district known as Tahtakale behind the Spice Market in the [1550's], it attracted the attention of enthusiastic customers as well as religious people, who considered this strange new substance to be a harmful drug. In order to stop the spread of this new substance, they tried in vain to forbid its consumption, saying that it was sinful. Ships carrying loads of coffee were sunk in Istanbul harbour. Yet, despite all this opposition, coffee drinking spread very fast, and by the time of [Murat] [III] [(1574] - [1595)], there were over 600 coffee houses in Istanbul alone. <br> <br> Coffee houses generally had an attractive view: Most had verandas and sometimes a decorative pool in the centre. Fashionable Turkish coffee houses served as gentlemen's clubs where men discussed literature and listened to Turkish classical music. <br> <br> The wide variety of often beautifully ornamented equipment used for preparing and serving Turkish coffee could fill a museum on their own. The coffee is boiled in a long handled coffee pot known as [cezve], which has its own distinctive shape, as do the tiny coffee cups. In the past, the porcelain coffee cups were produced at the Iznik or Kutahya potteries. Sets of Turkish coffee cups were later produced by European manufacturers for local markets and known as ['a] [la] [turque'] coffee sets. <br> <br> People who know the taste of a well-prepared Turkish coffee expect their coffee to be heated slowly over pieces of coal or wood, the copper coffee pot being frequently taken away from the fire so that it won't get overheated. It is important to have froth on top of the coffee. A heaped spoonful of Turkish coffee and sugar is allowed for each cup as a general rule today, although in the past most Turks drank their coffee without any sugar. Instead, they customarily ate or drunk something sweet either before or after the coffee. Another custom which has died out today is the addition of some aromatic substance such as jasmine, ambergris, cloves or coriander.
Bağlantı: What I Want to Say 1 | What I Want to Say 2 | What I Want to Say 3
Bu mesaj, m1gin tarafından, 20.09.2011 20:12:56 itibariyle düzenlenmiştir.