Out of Order English Podcast
Learning English and improving speaking skill through conversation with a native English speaker.
- O3EP #6: Make the Conversation go on2023/05/22
In this 6th episode of "Out of Order English Podcast", Ben & Steve have guests: Alper & Maria. Steve is also giving some tips about keeping the conversation going on.
- O3EP #5: Phrasal Verbs... Paraphrased2022/09/12
In this episode Ben & Steve are focusing on phrasal verbs. They review some phrasal verbs through sentences in a conversational way.
- O3EP #4: At Last, The Poem2022/06/24
In this 4th episode of "Out of Order English Podcast", Ben & Steve are having Katalea as a guest... And also, Ben is finally reading the poem he intended to for ages. :)
- O3EP #3: Mistreating the Guests2022/04/20
In this third episode of "Out of Order English Podcast", Ben was angry at his guests... Find out the details in the episode. :)
Hosts: Ben & Steve. Guests: Yousef & Taha
- O3EP #2: Mishaps2022/04/06
In this second episode of "Out of Order English Podcast", we had lots of mishaps. You will find out the details in the episode.
Hosts: Ben & Steve. Guests: Esra & Felix
- O3EP #1: Learning from Mistakes of Others2022/03/15
In this very first episode of "Out of Order English Podcast", 3 people having a conversation. While Ben (host) and Savira (guest) are trying to improve their English speaking ability, Steve (host), a native English speaker from England, assisting them and fixing their mistakes.
Out of Order English Podcast https://vav.mbirgin.comLearning English through conversation with a native English speaker.
Bu sayfa, 27.09.2022 tarihinde yayınlanmış, 22.07.2023 tarihinde güncellenmiş ve 960 defa görüntülenmiştir.
english, podcast, speaking, listen repeat, listening, learn english, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, spoken english, conversation