- Episode 125: Pretty Mysterious2009/11/24
This week, we investigate the casual and formal uses of the word pretty. Also, we announce that the podcast will be taking a brief hiatus.
- Episode 124: Literally? Actually, yes2009/11/12
This week, journalist Andrew Haeg joins us to talk about when to use literally -- and when not to use it.
- Episode 123: A Chapter About Averse2009/11/06
This week, we examine two easily confused words: adverse and averse.
- Episode 122: A Halloween Special2009/10/29
(Repeat Episode) We look at interesting words having to do with Halloween. We're joined by MPR News arts reporter, Euan Kerr.
- Episode 121: Ellipsis Incorporated2009/10/22
This week, we're talking about the ellipsis. What's an ellipsis, you ask? Listen to the podcast to find out...
- Episode 120: Little-Known Side Effects 2009/10/15
We investigate the seldom-told story about the meanings of the words affect and effect.
- Episode 119: Intensify2009/10/08
(Repeat episode) Adding intensifiers can give emphasis to your speech and writing; but sometimes they serve to weaken the message and are best left out.
- Episode 118: Mixed Feelings... or Mixed Message?2009/10/01
(Repeat Episode) We address a couple of words that sound somewhat alike and come fairly close in meaning, yet can cause a bit of confusion: ambivalent and ambiguous.
- Episode 117: The Word on the Street2009/09/24
This week, we investigate a figure of speech called metonymy.
- Episode 116: Adverbs are Everywhere2009/09/17
As the title suggests, this week's episode is all about adverbs.
- Episode 115: Homespun Language2009/09/10
We're back at the Minnesota State Fair to gain insights about vocabulary that comes from the crafts of weaving and spinning. Our special guest is Judy Payne of the Weavers Guild of Minnesota.
- Episode 114: Whizz-Bang!2009/09/03
This week, we visit the Minnesota State Fair to talk about a literary device called onomatopoeia.
- Episode 113: Street Cred2009/08/27
We investigate a trio of words that share a common root and all have something to do with some aspect of belief, trust or worth: credible, creditable and credulous.
- Episode 112: Disco!2009/08/20
This week on Grammar Grater, we’re going to examine three words that sound similar yet they have subtle differences in meaning. Those words are discomfit, discomfort and disconcert.
- Episode 111: Look it Up2009/08/13
Lexicographer Wendalyn Nichols joins us to give advice on how to best use and choose dictionaries.
- Grammar Grater: Pesky Plurals2009/08/06
(Repeat episode) No other part of speech causes as much confusion -- and demonstrates the continuous evolution of the English language -- quite like plural nouns. Today we'll try to clear up some misunderstandings about some plural nouns that tend to give writers trouble.
- Episode 109: Some Spicy Expressions2009/07/30
We feature some lighthearted summer fare by looking at expressions that include the word mustard. Joining us is Barry Levenson, an author of three books and the founder and curator of the Mustard Museum in Wisconsin.
- Episode 108: Animal Farm2009/07/23
(Repeat Episode) We dissect a veritable carnival of idiomatic expressions, including "the elephant in the room" and "the 800 pound gorilla."
- Episode 107: Misnomers and Malapropisms2009/07/16
Editor Catherine Winter joins us to talk about two common types of word confusion.
- Episode 106: Now or Then?2009/07/09
We investigate the meaning and history of the word erstwhile.
- Episode 105: On Principle2009/07/02
This week, we look at a pair of commonly confused homophones: principal and principle.
- Episode 104: Even the Nouns are Better2009/06/25
This week marks our 100th original episode, as well as the 2nd anniversary of Grammar Grater. We're celebrating the occasion by presenting a "clip show" of some of our favorite moments from the past two years.
- Episode 103: A-Muse and B-Muse2009/06/18
We examine another pair of words that can cause confusion: amuse and bemuse.
If you enjoy Grammar Grater, consider supporting it by becoming a member at http://www.mpr.org/grammargrater
- Episode 102: The English Language (R), Part 22009/06/11
This week, we continue our two-part look at the issue of trademarks in writing.
Grammar Grater - Minnesota Public Radio http://minnesota.publicradio.org/radio/podcasts/grammar_grater/Grammar Grater is a weekly podcast about English words, grammar, and usage for the Information Age.
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