En çok takıldığınız İngilizce kelimelerden, otomatik olarak sesli ve müzikli kelimeler oluşturabileceğiniz
vav.mbirgin.com projesini incelediniz mi!? 
Şubat 2006'da, "Ayın Projesi" olarak kendime, İngilizce kelime öğrenme uygulaması belirlemiştim:
"Günlük 25 kelime, anlam ve telaffuzları öğrenilecek, seslendirilecek, kayıt edilecek ve dinlenecektir..."
Bilmediğim kelimeleri öğrendiğim; dahası, İngilizce öğrenmeye çabaladığım için, telaffuzlarda hayli hata yaptığımı söylemeliyim.
Bununla kalsa gene iyi! Dinlerken eğlenceli olsun diye, komik tonlamalar yapmaktan da geri durmamışım, üstelik! 
O halde, kayıtları ne diye buraya eklediğimi sorabilirsiniz.
Cevap olarak, girişimin daha önemli olduğunu ifade etmek isterim. Çünkü hata yapmaktan korkanların gelişimleri yavaş oluyor; bunun sıkıntısını az çekmedim.
Bu konuyla alakalı daha fazla bilgi için, Muhammed Bozdağ'ın "Utangaçlık, Çekingenlik" konusundaki programını izleyebilirsiniz.
Evet, bir anlamda fikir vermesi ve daha güzel çalışmaların oluşturulması adına bu çalışmalarımı eklemeye kani oldum.
Yine de şu kadarını söylemeliyim ki; bu bölümler, paylaşılma düşüncesi olmadan kayıt edilmişlerdir; yani daha çok kendimi eğlendirmek ve geliştirmek amaçlı olarak tasarladığım bir uygulamadır.
Kayıt yaparken, ev arkadaşımın odama gelişi ve yersiz olarak bir şeyler sorması üzerine, gerekli karşılığı vermekten ve bunu kayıda karıştırmaktan geri durmamışım. 
Bu uygulama kapsamında öncelikle İngilizce'de sık kullanılan kelimeleri inceleyerek, bilmediklerimi not aldım ve onlar üzerinde durdum.
Ayrıca "Daylight English Intitute, Intermediate Words Part I" CD'sinden ve daha başka yerlerde karşılaşılan kelimeler incelenmiştir.
Yararlı olması ümidiyle...
- advise : bildirmek, tavsiye etmek
-v. to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision
- aim : amaç, gaye; nişan almak
-v. to point a gun at; n. a goal or purpose
- alliance : ittifak, anlaşma
-n. a close agreement or connection between two or more countries (or groups) for a shared purpose.
- ally : müttefik
-n. a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose
- ambassador : büyükelçi
-n. a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another government)
- amend : düzeltmek, değiştirmek
- v. to add to or to change (a proposal or law)
- ancestor : cet, ata
-n. a family member from the past
- anniversary : yıldönümü
-n. a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past
- appeal : temyiz, başvuru, çağrı, çekicilik, cazibe
-v. to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; to call on somebody for help
- argue : tartışmak, atışmak, ispat etmek, delil göstermek
-v. to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree
- arrest : tutuklamak, tevkif, durdurmak.
-v. to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner
- ash : kül
- n. the part left after something burns
- autumn : sonbahar
-n. the time of the year between summer and winter
- bell : zil, çan, kampana, çıngırak
- n. an instrument that makes a musical sound ("a church bell")
- bend : dönemeç, viraj, kıvrım; eğmek, bükmek
-n. a place where a line or a road changes direction; v. to change shape of something so that it is not straight
- betray : ihanet etmek, ele vermek, aldatmak
-v. to turn against; to be false to
- bite : lokma, ısırık
-v. to cut with the teeth
- blame : suçlamak, kınamak; mesuliyet
- v. to accuse; to hold responsible
- bless : kutsamak, hayırdua etmek
-v. to wish goodness to a person or thing, especially goodness from God
- boil : kaynatmak, haşlamak, pişirmek
-v. to heat a liquid until it becomes very hot
- borrow : ödünç almak, borç almak
- v. to take as a loan
- bow : yay
-n. (sounds like "no") a weapon made of wood which is used with an arrow to shoot at things
- bow : reverans, baş ile selamlamak, eğmek;
-v. (sounds like "now") to bend the body forward at the waist; n. the act of bending forward at the waist
- bull : boğa
-n. a male cow
- burst : yarılmak, patlamak
-v. to break open suddenly
- bury : gömmek, saklamak
-v. to put into the ground and cover with earth
- calm : sakin, durgun, dingin
- ad. quiet; peaceful; opposite tense
- candidate : aday, namzet
-n. a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor
- chase : kovalamak, izlemek, takip
- v. to run or go after someone or something
- cheer : tezahürat, neşe, keyif
-v. to shout approval or praise
- clash : çatışmak, çarpışmak, dövüşmek
- n. a battle; v. to fight or oppose
- cloth : kumaş, bez, örtü
-n. a material made from plants, chemicals, animal hair and other substances
- coal : kömür, kor
- n. a solid black substance used as fuel
- coast : sahil, kıyı
-n. land on the edge of the ocean
- compete : rekabet etmek, yarışmak
-v. to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others
- compromise : uzlaşma, uyuşma
-n. the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept less than first demanded
- condemn : kınamak, ayıplamak; suçlamak
-v. to say a person or action is wrong or bad condition - n. something declared necessary to complete an agreement; a person's health
- conscience : vicdan, duyunç
-n. the feeling in a person's mind which tells him if he is doing right or wrong
- consider : dikkate almak, göz önünde tutmak, hesaba katmak, üzerinde düşünmek
-v. to give thought to; to think about carefully
- constitution : anayasa, tüzük
-n. the written general laws and ideas that form a nation's system of government
- continent : kıta, anakara
-n. any of the seven great land areas of the world
- corn : buğday, mısır, ekin, tahıl, tane
- n. a food grain
- courage : cesaret
-n. bravery
- crew : tayfa, mürettebat, takım
-n. a group of people working together
- crisis : kriz, bunalım, buhran
- n. an extremely important time when something may become much better or worse; a dangerous situation
- crops : ekin, ürün, tahıl, mahsul, biçmek
-n. plants that are grown and gathered for food, such as grains, fruits and vegetables
- crown : taç
-n. a ceremonial hat that a king wears on his head
- dam : baraj, set, bent
-n. a wall built across a river to hold back flowing water
- deaf : sağır
- ad. not able to hear
- deal : iş, uğraş; anlaşma, mukavele
-v. to have to do with ("The talks will deal with the problem of pollution."); to buy or sell ("Her company deals in plastic.")
- debt : borç, hesap
-n. something that is owed; the condition of owing
- defeat : yenmek, bozgun, yenilgi
-v. to cause to lose in a battle or struggle; n. a loss; the condition of having lost
- denounce : suçlamak, ihbar etmek, kınamak
- v. to accuse of being wrong or evil; to criticize severely
- depend : bağlı olmak, itimat etmek, ihtiyaç duymak
-v. to need help and support
- deplore : teessüf etmek, üzülmek, acımak
-v. to regret strongly; to express sadness
- deploy : mevzilenmek, konuşlanmak, yayılmak, yerleştirmek
- v. to move forces or weapons into positions for action
- deserve : hak etmek, lâyık olmak
-v. to earn something (good or bad) as a result of good or bad acts
- desire : arzu, istek, rica, dilek
- v. to want very much; to wish for
- devote : adamak, tahsis etmek
-v. to give time, work or love to something or somebody
- dig : kazmak, dürtmek
-v. to make a hole in the ground
- disarm : silahsızlandırmak, zararsız hâle getirmek
-v. to take away weapons; to no longer keep weapons; to make a bomb harmless by removing its exploding device
- disease : hastalık, illet
- n. a sickness in living things, often caused by viruses, germs or bacteria
- dismiss : kovmak, çıkarmak
-v. to send away; to refuse to consider
- dispute : tartışma, münakaşa, çekişme, kavga, kabul etmemek
-v. to oppose strongly by argument; n. an angry debate
- dissident : muhalif
-n. a person who strongly disagrees with his or her government
- dive : dalmak, balıklama atlayış
-v. to jump into water head first
- divorce : boşanma
-n. the legal ending of a marriage
- drown : boğulmak
-v. to die under water
- drug : ilâç, ecza, uyuşturucu
-n. anything used as a medicine or in making medicine; a chemical substance used to ease pain or to affect the mind
- dust : toz
-n. pieces of matter so small that they can float in the air
- duty : görev, ödev, vazife; vergi
-n. one's job or responsibility; what one must do because it is right and just
- ease : kolaylık, rahatlık; hafifletmek
-v. to reduce; to make less difficult
- embassy : elçilik, sefaret
- n. the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants
- enforce : uygulamak, tatbik etmek, yürütmek
-v. to make something be done
- envy : kıskançlık, haset, gıpta etmek, imrenmek
-n. strong desire for something that another person has; v. to strongly desire something that another person has.
- evaporate : buharlaşmak
- v. to change from a liquid into a gas
- evidence : kanıt, delil
-n. material or facts that prove something; a reason for believing
- exile : sürgün, sürgüne göndermek
-v. to force a person to leave his or her country; to expel; n. a person who is forced to leave his or her country
- expel : kovmak, çıkarmak, atmak
- v. to force out; to remove from; to send away
- experiment : deney, deneme, tecrübe , deney yapmak
- v. to test; n. a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something
- express : açık, kesin, hızlı
- v. to say clearly
- feed : beslemek, yedirmek
- v. to give food to
- fertile : verimli, bereketli
- ad. rich in production of plants or animals; producing much
- fireworks : havai fişek
-n. rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations
- firm : sabit, katı
- ad. not easily moved or changed ("She is firm in her opinion.")
- flee : kaçmak, firar etmek
- v. to run away from
- float : yüzmek, uçmak
- v. to be on water without sinking; to move or be moved gently on water or through air
- fluid : akışkan, sıvı
-n. any substance that can flow, such as a liquid
- fog : sis; dumanlı, buğulanma
-n. a mass of wet air that is difficult to see through; a cloud close to the ground
- fool : aldatmak, aptallık etmek; budala, salak
-v. to make someone believe something that is not true; to trick; n. a person who is tricked easily
- former : önceki, eski
- ad. earlier in time; not now
- frighten : korkutmak, ürkütmek
-v. to cause great fear
- fuel : yakıt
- n. any substance burned to create heat or power
- gentle : nazik, yumuşak,kibar
-ad. soft; kind; not rough or violent.
- goods : eşya, mal; yük
- n. things owned or made to be sold
- grind : öğütmek, ufalamak, bilemek
-v. to reduce to small pieces by crushing
- hang : asmak; idam etmek
-v. to place something so the highest part is supported and the lower part is not; to kill by hanging
- harvest : hasat, ürün, biçmek
-v. to gather crops; n. the crop after it is gathered
- hill : tepe, yokuş
-n. a small mountain
- honest : dürüst, hilesiz, doğru sözlü, açık kalpli; namuslu; güvenilir
-ad. truthful; able to be trusted
- horrible : korkunç; berbat, rezil, igrenç
-ad. causing great fear; terrible
- hostage : rehine, tutsak
-n. a person captured and held as a guarantee that a demand or promise will be honored
- hostile : düşman, düşmanca, saldırgan
- ad. ready to fight; ready for war
- humor : 1. mizah, güldürü. 2. gülünçlük, komiklik. 3. nüktedanlık. 4. keyif. 5. huy, tabiat.
-n. the ability to understand, enjoy or express what makes people laugh
- incident : olay, hadise, vaka
- n. an event or something that happens
- incite : tahrik etmek, kışkırtmak, teşvik etmek
- v. to urge or cause an action or emotion, usually something bad or violent
- infect : bulaştırmak, geçirmek.
-v. to make sick with something that causes disease
- inflation : enflasyon
- n. a continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes down
- insane : akıl hastası, deli; delice, anlamsız.
-ad. mentally sick
- insult : hakaret, onur kırma, aşağılama, hor görme, kötü davranış
-v. to say something or to do something that makes another person angry or dishonored
- intense : 1. şiddetli, kuvvetli, keskin, hararetli. 2. gergin. 3. ciddi olan
- ad. very strong; extremely serious
- interfere : karışmak, müdahale etmek; çatışmak
-v. to get in the way of; to work against; to take part in the activities of others, especially when not asked to do so
- intervene : karışmak, araya girmek, müdahale etmek, arac?lık yapmak
-v. to come between; to come between in order to settle or solve
- invade : saldırmak, hücum etmek; istila etmek.
- v. to enter an area or country by force with an army
- invest : para yatırmak, yatırım yapmak
-v. to give money to a business or organization with the hope of making more money
- involve : gerektirmek, istemek, [içermek]
-v. to take part in; to become a part of; to include
- iron : demir, ütü
-n. a strong, hard metal used to make machines and tools
- issue : 1.yayım, basım. 2. konu. 3. sorun, mesele. 4. sonuç, netice. 5. sayı, nüsha
-n. an important problem or subject that people are discussing or arguing about
- jail : hapishane, cezaevi, hapsetmek
-n. a prison for those waiting to be tried for a crime or those serving sentences for crimes
- joint : birleşmiş, müşterek, ortak, bağlantı
-ad. shared by two or more
- jury : jüri
-n. a group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial
- kidnap : (birini) kaçırmak.
- v. to seize and take away by force
- kind : tür, çesit; nazik, kibar, iyi kalpli, sevecen, ince, candan
- n. sort ("What kind of dog is that?"); ad. gentle; caring; helpful
- lamb : kuzu, kuzu eti
- n. a young sheep
- leak : sızıntı; çatlak
-v. to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)
- lend : ödünç vermek, borç vermek
-v. to permit someone to use a thing temporarily; to make a loan of money
- lightning : şimşek, yıldırım
-n. light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm
- loan : ödünç verme, borç, ödünç alma,
-n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; something borrowed
- lonely : yalnız, kimsesiz, tenha, ıssız, sessiz
-ad. feeling alone and wanting friends; visited by few or no people ("a lonely man")
- march : marş, yürüyüş
-v. to walk in a group like soldiers; to walk together in a large group to protest about something
- melt : erimek, eritmek, yumşatmak
- v. to make a solid into a liquid by heating it
- mental : akli, zihinsel
-ad. about or having to do with the mind
- mercy : af; merhamet, acima, insaf; lütuf
-n. kindness toward those who should be punished; the power to be kind or to pardon
- mine : maden ocağı, mayın, kazmak
-v. to dig useful or valuable substances out of the earth; n. a place in the earth where such substances are found; a bomb placed under the ground or under water so it cannot be seen
- minister : papaz, vaiz; bakan; orta elçi
-n. a member of a cabinet; a high government official ("prime minister," "foreign minister")
- missile : mermi, füze, kurşun; ok, merak; atılan şey
-n. any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target
- mob : çete; serseri grubu; gürültücü kalabalik, çevresini sarmak
-n. a large group of wild or angry people
- moderate : orta dereceli
-ad. not extreme
- mourn : matem tutmak, yas tutmak; ağlamak, kederlenmek
-v. to express or feel sadness
- negotiate : müzakere etmek, görüşmek
-v. to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution
- obey : itaat etmek, uymak, riayet etmek, söz dinlemek
-v. to act as one is ordered to act
- occupy : tutmak, zaptetmek, işgal etmek
-v. to take and hold or to control by force
- offensive : taarruz, saldırı, çirkin, yakışmaz
- n. a military campaign of attack; ad. having to do with attacking
- oppose : karşı çıkmak, karşı koymak, direnmek
-v. to be against; to fight against
- oppress : sıkmak, sıkıştırmak, baskı yapmak. 2. eziyet etmek, zulmetmek. 3. bunaltmak, sıkıntı vermek.
-v. to make others suffer; to control by the use of unjust and cruel force or power
- orbit : yörünge
-v. to travel in space around a planet or other object; n. the path or way an object travels in space around another object or planet
- overthrow : devirmek, yıkmak, düşürmek
-v. to remove from power; to defeat or end by force
- owe : borçlu olmak
-v. to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received
- pan : tepsi, tava
- n. a metal container used for cooking
- parade : geçit töreni, gösteriş.
-n. a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary
- parliament : parlamento.
-n. a government lawmaking group
- persuade : ikna etmek, inandırmak; gönlünü yapmak, razı etmek; kandırmak
-v. to make someone decide to do something especially by repeated requests or suggestions that they should do it.
- pig : domuz; pisboğaz
- n. a farm animal used for its meat
- pipe : boru, çubuk, künk, pipo, düdük
- n. a long, round piece of material used to move liquid or gas
- plot : arsa, parsel; entrika, suikast, plan; çizim
-v. to make secret plans; n. a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal
- poison : zehir, zehirlemek
-n. a substance that can destroy life or damage health
- pollute : kirletmek
-v. to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water
- port : Kapı, iskele, Bağlantı Noktası
-n. a city where ships load or unload goods; a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm
- possess : sahip olmak; etkilemek, hükmetmek
-v. to have; to own; to control or be controlled by
- praise : övmek, methetmek, sena etmek; hamdetmek, şükretmek
-v. to say good things about; to approve
- pressure : basınç, baskı
- n. the force produced when something is pushed down or against something else
- prize : ödül; ikramiye; ödül kazanan
-n. something offered or won in a competition; something of value that one must work hard for to get
- profit : kâr, kazanç, yarar
-n. money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of that activity
- punish : cezalandırmak.
-v. to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal
- raid : akın, baskın
-v. to make a sudden attack; n. a sudden attack carried out as an act of war, or for the purpose of seizing or stealing something
- raise : kaldırmak, yükseltmek, arttırmak
-v. to lift up; to move to a higher position; to cause to grow; to increase
- react : tepki göstermek, tepkimek
-v. to act as a result of or in answer to
- rebel : isyankâr, ayaklanan, isyan etmek, ayaklanmak
-v. to act against a government or power, often with force; to refuse to obey; n. one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country
- refugee : mülteci
-n. a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment, danger or war
- regret : pişmanlık, teessüf etmek
-n. a feeling of sadness or sorrow about something that is done or that happens
- remains : artık, kalıntı; ölü, ceset
-n. the parts of something that are left after the rest has been destroyed or taken away; a dead body ("His remains are buried in his home town")
- represent : göstermek, betimlemek, tasvir etmek, simgelemek, temsil etmek
-v. to act in the place of someone else; to substitute for; to serve as an example
- resign : istifa etmek, (işten) ayrılmak, çekilmek
-v. to leave a position, job or office
- resist : direnmek, karşı durmak, karşı koymak
-v. to oppose; to fight to prevent
- resolution : kararlılık, azim, karar; önerge, teklif, yasa tasarısı; çözüm
-n. an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reached by voting
- responsible : mesul, sorumlu; sağduyulu
-ad. having a duty or job to do ("He is responsible for preparing the report."); being the cause of ("They were responsible for the accident.")
- restrain : tutmak, zaptetmek, yasaklamak
-v. to keep controlled; to limit action by a person or group
- restrict : kısıtlamak, sınırlamak.
- v. to limit; to prevent from increasing or becoming larger
- retire : emekliye ayrılmak, çekilmek, yatmaya gitmek
-v. to leave a job or position because one is old or in poor health
- revolt : isyan etmek, ayaklanmak; karşı gelmek
-v. to protest violently; to fight for a change, especially of government
- riot : kargaşa, karışıklık, ayaklanma; cümbüş, eğlenti
-v. to act with many others in a violent way in a public place; n. a violent action by a large group of people
- rob : soymak, çalmak, hırsızlık
-v. to take money or property secretly or by force; to steal
- roll : yuvarlamak; yuvarlanmak
-v. to turn over and over; to move like a ball
- rough : pürtüklü, kaba, tırtıklı
-ad. not flat or smooth; having an uneven surface; violent; not made well
- rub : sürtmek, ovmak, ovalama
-v. to move something over the surface of another thing
- rubber : kauçuk, lastik, silgi
- n. a substance made from the liquid of trees with the same name, or a similar substance made from chemicals
- ruin : yıkmak, harabe, enkaz, yıkıntı
-v. to damage severely; to destroy
- sacrifice : kurban; özveri, fedakârlik
- v. to do without something or to suffer a loss for a belief, idea, goal or another person
- sand : kum
-n. extremely small pieces of crushed rock found in large amounts in deserts and on coasts
- satisfy : tatmin etmek, memnun etmek
-v. to give or provide what is desired, needed or demanded
- seed : tohum
-n. the part of a plant from which new plants grow
- seize : tutmak, yakalamak, kavramak, kapmak, ele geçirmek
- v. to take quickly by force; to take control of quickly; to arrest
- severe : sert; haşin; katı
-ad. not gentle; causing much pain, sadness or damage
- shine : parlamak, parıltı
-v. to aim a light; to give bright light; to be bright; to clean to make bright
- shrink : Küçültmek
-v. to make or become less in size, weight or value
- sink : batmak, garkolmak
-v. to go down into water or other liquid
- skeleton : iskelet, çatı
-n. all the bones of a human or other animal together in their normal positions
- smash : ezmek, parçalamak
-v. to break or be broken into small pieces by force; to hit or move with force
- soil : arazi, toprak
-n. earth in which plants grow
- spill : dökmek, dökülmek, düşürmek
-v. to cause or permit liquid to flow out, usually by accident
- stab : bıçaklamak, batırmak; saplamak; delmek
-v. to cut or push into or through with a pointed weapon
- starve : açlıktan ölmek veya öldürmek
-v. to suffer or die from a lack of food
- steam : buhar, istim
-n. the gas that comes from hot water
- stove : soba, fırın, ocak
-n. a heating device used for cooking
- straight : düz, dogru; dik; düzenli, tertipli; dürüst, namuslu
-ad. continuing in one direction without turns
- strike : vurmak; çarpmak; çakmak, yakmak
-v. to hit with force; to stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make other demands
- substance : madde, cevher, öz
-n. the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)
- substitute : Yerine Koymak, değiştirmek
- v. to put or use in place of another; n. a person or thing put or used in place of another
- supply : sağlamak, tedarik etmek, temin etmek, besleme
-v. to give; to provide; n. the amount of something that can be given or sold to others
- suppose : zannetmek, sanmak, varsaymak
-v. to believe, think or imagine ("I suppose you are right."); to expect ("It is supposed to rain tonight.")
- suppress : bastırmak, durdurmak; yok etmek; gizli tutmak
-v. to put down or to keep down by force; to prevent information from being known publicly
- surplus : artık,fazlalık
- n. an amount that is more than is needed; extra; ("That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports.")
- swallow : emmek, yutmak
-v. to take into the stomach through the mouth
- tears : gözyaşı
-n. the fluid that comes out of the eyes while crying
- territory : ülke, bölge, arazi, toprak
-n. a large area of land
- threaten : tehdit etmek, gözdagi vermek
-v. to warn that one will do harm or cause damage
- tie : kravat, bağ, bağlamak
-v. to join or hold together with some material; n. anything that joins or unites; links or connections ("The two nations have strong trade ties.")
- torture : işkence, işkence etmek, ıstırap, azap
-v. to cause severe pain; n. the act of causing severe pain in order to harm, to punish or to get information from
- tragic : çok üzücü, acıklı, trajik
-ad. extremely sad; terrible
- trap : tuzak, kapan, tuzağa düşürmek, yakalamak
-v. to catch or be caught by being tricked; to be unable to move or escape; n. a device used to catch animals
- treaty : antlaşma, muahede
-n. a written agreement between two or more nations
- urge : teşvik, sevketmek, ısrar etmek, zorlamak
-v. to advise strongly; to make a great effort to get someone to do something
- urgent : ivedi, âcil
-ad. needing an immediate decision or action
- unless : ta ki, -medikçe, -mazsa
-conj. except if it happens; on condition that ("I will not go, unless the rain stops.")
- vehicle : taşıt, binek aracı
-n. anything on or in which a person or thing can travel or be transported, especially anything on wheels; a car or truck
- verse : ayet, mısra, dize, koşuk
-n. a few words that are part of a poem or of a religious writing
- vicious : huysuz, gaddar, saldırgan, tehlikeli
-ad. bad; dangerous; showing harm or hate
- victim : kurban, mağdur
-n. someone or something that is injured, killed or made to suffer; someone who is tricked
- violate : bozmak, uymamak, tecavüz etmek
-v. to fail to obey or honor; to break (an agreement)
- virgin : bakire, erden, saf, bozulmamış
-n. a person who has never experienced sex
- volcano : volkan, yanardağ
-n. a hill or mountain around a hole in the earth's surface that can explode, sending hot, melted rock and ash into the air
- wages : ücret, maaş
-n. money received for work done
- warn : uyarmak, ikaz etmek
-v. to tell of possible danger; to advise or inform about something bad that may happen
- weak : zayıf, güçsüz
-ad. having little power; easily broken, damaged or destroyed; opposite strong
- weigh : tartmak
-v. to measure how heavy someone or something is
- well : iyi, uygun,yerinde; kuyu, kaynak
-ad. in a way that is good or pleasing or complete; in good health; n. a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found
- wheat : buğday
-n. a grain used to make bread; the plant that produces the grain
- wing : kanat
-n. the part on the side of a bird (or an airplane) which makes it fly
- wise : akıllı, mantıklı
-ad. having much knowledge and understanding; able to use knowledge and understanding to make good or correct decisions
- wound : yara, yaralamak
-v. to injure; to hurt; to cause physical damage to a person or animal; n. an injury to the body of a human or animal in which the skin is usually cut or broken
- wreck : yok etmek, mahvetmek; enkaz, harabe, virane; trafik kazası
-v. to damage greatly; to destroy; n. anything that has been badly damaged or broken
- wreckage : enkaz, yıkıntı, kalıntı
-n. what remains of something severely damaged or destroyed
- compound : bileşim
-a substance containing two or more elements
- dense : yoğun, koyu, kalabalık
-close together; thick
- nerve : sinir
-a thin piece of tissue that sends information through the body to and from the brain
- breast : göğüs, meme; sine, gönül
- produces mother's milk to feed a baby
- intestines : bağırsak
-tubes through which food passes after it is broken down in the stomach; part of the intestines also remove solid wastes from the body
- kidney : böbrek
-cleans liquid wastes from the body
- liver : karaciğer
-makes some proteins and enzymes; removes poisons from the blood
- lung : akciğer
-takes in and expels air from the body
- uterus : rahim, uterus, dölyatağı
-a part of the female reproductive system where an unborn baby develops
- baptize : vaftiz etmek
- v. to put someone in water, or to put water on them, as a sign of receiving them as a Christian
- circumcise : sünnet etmek
-v. to cut off the skin at the end of the male sex organ (this was, and still is, is a religious rule in the Jewish faith)
- glory : şan, şeref, ihtişam, görkem, övgü, iftihar
-n. great love, praise and honor; the beautiful light around God
- grace : inayet, rahmet, zerafet, letafet
(of God)-n. God's loving kindness and goodness towards all people when we do not deserve it
- Israelite : İsrail kavminden olan, [israil oğlu]
n. (in Bible times) any person descended from Jacob; ad. for or of the Israelite people
- priest : papaz
-n. (in Bible times) a man who did religious duties for the Israelite people, so represented them before God
- sin : günah; suç
-n wrong-doing, especially against God's rules (which may be different from human ideas of right and wrong!)
- Temple : mabet, tapınak; şakak
-n. (in Bible times) the chief building for Israelite religious worship, which powerfully represented the presence of God. Three Temples were built in Bible times. The ruins of the last one (which enemies destroyed in 70AD) are still in Jerusalem.
- achievement : başarı
- ancient : antik
- assassinate : suikast yapmak
- contemplate : düşünmek
- convenient : uygun
- dare : cesaret etmek
- definitely : kesinlikle
- depressing : bunaltıcı
- famine : açlık
- fed up : bıkmak
- giant : büyük, dev
- go out with : çıkmak
- greed : açgözlülük
- hang on : beklemek
- held up : ertelenmiş
- humble : mütevazi
- incredible : inanılmaz
- influential : etkileyici
- jog : yürüyüş
- leap : büyük adım
- lighthouse : fener kulesi
- long for : özlemek
- loo : tuvalet
- mankind : insanoğlu
- man-made : insan yapımı
- marvellous : mükemmel
- noodle : şehriye
- obsessed : baskı altında kalmış
- obvious : açık, aşikâr
- palace : saray
- pear : armut
- ray : ışın
- reputation : ün
- reputable : ünlü
- revolutionize : devrim yapmak
- slightly : az bir ölçüde
- stand for : temsil etmek
- surgeon : cerrah
- tomb : mezar
- unprecendented : eşsiz
- vegan : vejeteryan
- worship : ibadet etmek
- accountant : muhasebeci
- beat : vuru, darbe, atmak (kalp)
- brilliant : parlak
- bulb : çiçek soğanı, soğan; ampul
- can't bear : katlanamamak
- common sense : sağduyu
- complexion : cilt, ten
- confess : itiraf etmek
- contented : mutlu
- daffodil : karanfil
- decade : 10 yıl
- delight : memnun olmak
- delighted : memnun
- detached : müstakil
- disaster : felaket
- enthusiasm : istek, şevk, heves
- fascinated : büyülü
- football pitch : futbol sahası
- gloomy : sıkıcı
- goalkeeper : kaleci
- goggles : koruyucu gözlük
- instructor : eğitmen, öğretmen
- keep-fit : zinde kalmak
- knee pad : dizlik
- leotard : dansçı giysisi
- luxurious : lüks
- luxury : lüks
- missing : kaçan, kayıp, eksik
- mitten : parmaksız eldiven
- nun : rahibe
- out of work : bozuk
- permanence : süreklilik
- plainly : açıkça
- plumber : muslukçu, su tesisatçısı
- potter : bahçeyle uğraşma; çömlekçi; oyalanmak
- referee : hakem
- remarkable : kayda değer
- resort : tatil köyü
- ridiculous : saçma
- rucksack : sırt çantası
- rude : kaba
- solitude : yalnızlık
- sore : acıyan, ağrılı
- steady : durağanlık
- stuck : sıkışma
- stuffy : havasız
- tell a lie : yalan söylemek
- tender : yumuşak
- tidy : derli, toplu
- tournament : turnuva
- tournament : turnuva
- traffic warden : trafik polisi
- trophy : onur, zafer
- tulip : lale
- unemployment : işsizlik
- wisdom : akıl
- wrinkled : kırışık
- abandon : terketmek
- affair : ilişki; iş, sorun, mesele
- amazement : şaşkınlık
- bald : kel
- battered : eskimiş
- bent : yetenek, eğilim
- bitter : keder, üzücü, acı, sert
- boarding school : yatılı okul
- branch : dal, kol
- bugle : üflemeli çalgılar
- bustling : telaş, koşuşturmaca
- career : kariyer
- cheek : yanak
- chimney : baca
- curly : kıvırcık
- desperately : umutsuzca
- despite : rağmen
- determined : kararlı
- disappoint : hayal kırıklığına uğramak
- dote on : üstüne düşmek, çok sevmek
- elderly : yetişkince, yaşlıca
- eventually : sonuç olarak
- excavation : bilim gezisi
- feature : özellik
- fortune : hazine; şans, kısmet, talih
- furious : sinirli, kızgın
- genius : dâhi, deha, üstün yetenek
- go missing : gözden kaçırmak
- grief-stricken : kederli, üzüntülü
- homesick : evi özlemiş, gurbet çeken
- horror : korku, dehşet
- hysterically : histerik
- ironing : ütüleme
- knight : şövalye, silahşör
- lifelike : canlı gibi
- limelight : spot ışık
- magnificent : muhteşem, harika
- mansion : konak
- masterpiece : baş eser
- merrily : mutlu bir şekilde
- oak : meşe ağacı
- outnumber : sayıca fazla
- portrait : portre; düşey
- puncture : patlak lastik; delik, delmek
- sculpture : heykel
- sketch : skeç
- spinster : evde kalmış
- sting : iğne, sokmak, sızlamak
- subsequent : peşpeşe
- sunbathe : güneşlenmek
- sway : dalgalanmak
- talent : yetenek
- tap : vurmak, tapa, tıkaç, musluk
- terrified : korkulu, dehşete düşmüş
- thoroughly : tamamen
- torn : yırtık
- tough : sert, dayanıklı; engebeli (area)
- triangle : üçgen
- tune : ton
- ultimately : son olarak, eninde sonunda
- undisputed : tartışılmaz
- unique : tek, eşsiz, benzersiz
- upset : altüst etmek, devirmek, üzmek, üzgün
- vine : üzüm asması
- vineyard : asmalık, çardak
- wig : peruk
- wrist : bilek
- admission : kabul , içeri alma, giriş
- anchovy : hamsi
- assume : farz etmek, varsaymak
- backpack : sırt çantası
- bang on time : zamanında
- bother : rahatsız etmek
- casual : günlük, resmi olmayan; gelişigüzel
- chalk : tebeşir
- chew : çiğnemek
- gum : sakız; zamk
- clasp : tokalaşmak; alkışlamak (hands)
- colleague : meslektaş
- colleague : meslektaş
- custom : gelenek, âdet, alışkanlık; özel
- detention : alıkoyma
- easy-going : kolay anlaşılan; rahat
- engaged : meşgul (phone); nişanlı
- enthusiastic : istekli, şevkli, hevesli
- essential : gerekli
- etiqette : etiket
- wrap : sarmak, katlamak
- gift wrap : hediye paketi yapmak
- headmaster : başkan; okul müdürü
- heel : topuk
- humorous : espritüel, gülünç, komik, mizahi
- income : gelir
- interrupt : sözü kesmek; düzeni bozmak
- knit : örmek; kaynaşmak
- light-hearted : gamsız, neşeli, mutlu, kaygısız
- manner : huy, tarz, tavır, âdet, usul
- modest : mütevazi
- mussel : midye
- nappy : uykulu
- nationalistic : milliyetçi
- notice-board : ilan panosu
- occupation : iş, uğraş, meslek; işgal
- offensive : kırıcı, itici, saldırgan; taarruz
- outgoing : dışa dönük, sempatik, cana yakın, girgin; giden
- pint : yarım litre; 1/8 galon
- punctual : dakik
- punishment : ceza
- realize : farketmek, anlamak; gerçekleştirmek
- reserved : içe kapanık, çekingen
- seat belt : emniyet kemeri
- seniority : kıdemlilik
- shake hands : el sıkışmak
- show off : hava atmak, gösteriş yapmak, caka satmak
- skate : paten, kaymak
- slate : aday listesi
- sleeve : elbise kolu, yen; disket kabı
- sole : ayak tabanı; pençe,
- sophisticated : kültürlü; komplike, bilgiç
- stereotype : tek tip, şablon, basmakalıp
- strict : sert, kesin, katı, titiz, kuralcı
- stuff : malzeme, madde
- talkative : konuşkan
- thereafter : sonra, ondan sonra
- cheque : çek
- widespread : yaygın
- widowed : dul kalan
- wink : göz kırpmak, göz işareti
- yawn : esnemek
- carpenter : marangoz
- rusty : paslanmış
- nasty : pis, çirkin; edepsiz, ahlaksız
- cannon : top, ateşli silah
- awed : korkunç
- unify : birleştirmek
- episode : olay, serüven; bölüm (roman vb.)
- moan : inilti, sızlanma, zırıldamak
- twist : bükmek, kıvırmak, döndürmek
- ambitious : hırslı, azimli, tutkulu
- optimism : iyimserlik
- pessimism : kötümserlik
- tub : tekne, küvet, leğen
- poke : sokmak, dürtmek, çıkarmak
- scurry : acele etmek, seğirtmek
- swoop : üstüne çullanmak, ani saldırı
- twilight : alacakaranlık
- though : yine de, ise de, her ne kadar, her şeye rağmen, gerçi
- bid : teklif, fiyat arttırmak
- doubt : kuşku, güvenmemek
- incredulous : kuşkulu
- addict : tiryaki, bağımlı
- pileup : zincirleme kaza
- dingy : kirli; soluk
- germ : mikrop; başlangıç
- obsolete : demode, eski
- apostle : Hz. İsa'nın 12 havarisinden biri
- disciple : havari, mürit, talebe
- crucify : çarmıha germek
- salvation : kurtuluş, selâmet; kurtarma
- sanctification : kutsama, takdis
- sabbath : sebt günü, Yahudi veya Hıristiyaların kutsal günü
- Jesus : Mesih
- Christ : İsa, Mesih
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